Art Exam Pupils To Be In SQA Exhibition
December 12 2022

Two of last year’s Advanced Higher Art & Design candidates, Yuri Kelly and Roseanna Holbrook, have been selected to have their work included in an SQA online exhibition in January 2023.
This exhibition will celebrate the creativity of candidates across Art and Design and Photography. The details of the exhibition are currently being finalised, but it will be taking place in January 2023. The work will then be featured in an online gallery that will provide a resource for teachers, lecturers, and learners.
Roseanna Holbrook:
“During the time I was sitting my exams, I felt very enclosed and cramped. I love learning but felt held back by time limitations and narrow course work, as if I were being trapped inside a box. From this sensation, I came up with the motif of the box, and used the Advanced higher Art course to express this frustration and in turn to allow myself to stretch up and through the struggle and out past the bounds of limitation and imagination.”
Yuri Kelly
“The inspiration for my work came from a place of self-exploration. As I noticed how significant faces are as a form of identification for oneself and for others, I wanted to see what I would discover if this was taken away. I collated various external and visual aspects of my identity and developed them through contrasting techniques. My final piece is a marriage of all these aspects; the formation and completion of my faceless identity.”
Yuri, Roseanna and Harpreet all achieved 100% and Cara and Jay got marks in the 90%s which in itself reflects their incredible hard work.
A sample of Exam Art Exhibitions from Edinburgh Steiner School pupils can be viewed here.