2023 A Milestone Year For Edinburgh Steiner School
January 10 2023

This year, we celebrate 84 years and strive to add a purpose-built building along the boundary wall for our youngest pupils.
Whilst many organisations may mark their 85th year as a significant milestone, Steiner Waldorf pedagogy considers the number 84 a significant year, according to Rudolf Steiner’s philosophy on seven-year life phases.
It has since been scientifically proven our bodies and minds change completely every 7 years. This is considered extremely important for humans throughout their life, with 84 being the end of the final phase, before being renewed.

See Life Chart (above) from The Human Life by two leading figures in the development of anthroposophy, George and Gisela O’Neil).
Edinburgh Steiner School was founded on 2nd May 1939, with just eight kindergarteners. We start the new year with over 300 pupils; and a dire need for more curriculum space.
Seedlings is the newest addition to our education provision, welcoming children from the age of 2. Places are currently full, with a capped waiting list and more demand than we can meet. Whilst the two groups of ten children are currently situated in the newly renovated West Coach House, a purpose-built building for the youngest pupils is our priority.
As part of the Growing Spaces Project this building will be situated in the beautiful enclosed garden next to the Edinholme Building (above). The West Coach House can then be repurposed to reach the GSP target of twelve classrooms with a capacity for 25 pupils in each.
Efforts are underway to raise £150,000 to meet the cost of the build, with the possibility of a very generous grant of up to £100,000 from Software Stiftung supporting us, if we are able to garner support from other philanthropic people and organisations who care about our school and our mission as match-funding. Many of our school community have set up monthly donations ranging from £2 upwards in this endeavour, for which we are humbly grateful. We hope to break ground this April, opening the doors in the new academic year.
Read on: Edinburgh Steiner School’s weekly ezine
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