Final Open Tour For Academic Year
February 27 2023

In contrast to most of the Capital’s independent schools, our admissions procedure has no academic entrance exam. We welcome pupils of all academic abilities, valuing them for what they bring to the school community.
Accepting Pupils Year Round
New pupils can start their Steiner Waldorf education at any point in the academic session. The Open Tour in March is now full; however, our all-through school, situated within 3.5 acres of Merchiston’s protected conservation area, has a final tour of the academic year on 5th May, 2023, 9am – 11am.
Every Class in the School is composed of children who come together daily from a wide variety of families, homes and cultural and religious backgrounds. What we experience as a group is the Steiner Waldorf curriculum, as interpreted and presented to the pupils by their teachers.
Parent Teacher Association
Want to learn more? Visit our FAQs and book your visit by emailing Alternatively, call 0131 337 3410 opting for Ext 2.