Individual Early Years Tours Available Now
November 6 2024

Uniquely, Edinburgh Steiner School has long run a curriculum that has embraced a delayed start to formal learning. Children here start their school career aged 6, in line with 1,200 Steiner Waldorf schools worldwide and 84% of the world. Before then, they learn in an environment that is simple and unhurried without the notions of ‘achievement’, ‘success’, or ‘failure’.
Specialist teachers follow the internationally-recognized principles of the Steiner Waldorf curriculum, where this crucial education in the first six years is integrated and holistic throughout, providing an important alternative to mainstream independent education in the city. We are one of only three schools in the sector offering provision from age 2.
An opportunity for prospective parents and children to visit our Kindergartens (ages 2 – 6 years old), see our beautiful campus set within three acres of conservation area in Edinburgh, and to get a feel for the rhythm of the Early Years setting is now available throughout the week. It can also cover the application process and financials (1,140 Hours Programme offering funded ELC places, Tax-Free Childcare, and Bursary).
Still the largest and fastest-growing educational movement globally, there are almost 2,000 Kindergartens in some 80 countries. Our aim is to develop responsible, free-thinking young people who can contribute to society with initiative and purpose. The tour will cover the Waldorf curriculum in the early years, learning through play, imitation and doing in an integrated manner.
BOOK: Kindergarten Tour
More than ever nowadays, where things are changing, where the way we interact with the world has become so much more indirect because of new technologies, where we need to cope with a completely different sensory environment, this type of education is more important than ever.”
Nobel Laureate (Neuroscience) & Waldorf graduate, Dr Thomas Sudhöf
Alternatively, you can view our Early Years Virtual Tour
This Individual Tour is dedicated to the Early Years only. (There is an option to visit classrooms ‘in action’ and hear from our Upper School pupils on our school tour. You can join the next one here: Visit Main School).
You are also warmly invited to meet our Head of School, Nick Brett (book here). Read on: ‘Prospective Families: Meet The Head of School’