Our Young Pupils Return To Campus At Dusk For Martinmas
November 12 2024

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Throughout the year, our school celebrates festivals to connect us with the cycle of nature, establish a yearly rhythm for the children, and strengthen our community. Our youngest pupils from Toddlers to Class 3 mark Martinmas with a lantern walk and singing.
When the days become shorter, the sun goes down earlier and the stars appear early in the skies, the children, according to an old custom, would walk with lanterns through the streets in the early evening, singing.

As the world grows darker, our inner light wants to shine forth. Using a hammer and nails, Kindergarten pupils often upcycle tin cans into lanterns as part the Early Years seasonal focus on the Blacksmith at this time of year; or handmake vessels of light with nature’s treasures.
So too do our pupils in Classes 1 – 3 with exquisite designs that change year-on-year, often using their watercolour paintings, in preparation to carry their beautiful naked flame around the darkened school grounds.
At the weekend, the many families in our Toddler Groups came together to continue this tradition, walking through our mature gardens situated within a protected conservation area; followed on Monday by pupils from Seedlings and Kindergarten, who met at nearby Harrison Park; and Classes 1 – 3 on campus, singing the Martinmas songs in procession, before forming a circle around the lawn to observe a tableau of St Martin helping a stranger in need, each year performed by Class 12 pupils. This year Noah Munro was the beggar and Ali Sadeghi was St Martin.

Throughout the year, our school celebrates festivals to connect us with the cycle of nature, establish a yearly rhythm for the children, and strengthen our community. Parents are welcome and encouraged to join.
This celebration is typically also a way that children are able to mark their own growth. Class 5* pupils, some of whom have attended the festival since they were Kindergarteners, mark their growing maturity as they move up the School by being the helpers: preparing and giving the younger Classes biscuits and spiced apple or herbal tea afterward.
*With twelve days to go, Class 4 families are busy preparing for the upcoming Christmas Market.

Read On: Festivals, Assemblies & Cultural Life at Edinburgh Steiner School

On socials: Class 2’s lantern making: Instagram / Facebook; Classes 1 – 3 Lantern Walk: Facebook / Instagram. Reels by volunteer parent, Nathalie de Briey: socialmedia@edinburghsteinerschool.org.uk
Read the full weekly ezine here: Tuesday Notice
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Our Young Pupils Return To Campus At Dusk For Martinmas