Steiner Waldorf Education: Second Taster Weekend
November 22 2024

The first Taster Weekend was such a great success, we are hosting a second one.
Being together, learning from experienced practitioners and getting a snapshot of the songs, verses, games and ideas that I will learn more about on the full course. I also particularly enjoyed the painting session with Leonie.I’m very grateful for the effort and energy everyone brought to the weekend. Particularly the course leaders. It was a fantastic weekend, with great discussion and prompting. I have been dreaming about my P6 teacher and classroom since Saturday!Rachel Morgan Bruce
I absolutely loved every bit of the course. I was exhausted by the time it ended but was very sorry to say goodbye. I would love to see as many people as possible are given a chance to do this course, separately from the Teacher Training. For me, it demystified Steiner education, debunking some of the common misconceptions I had and opened my eyes to how much thought and order and logic and purpose underlies the creative beauty.
Michelle Prately
“We’ve decided to run another one on the evening of the 13th and all day on the 14th December for anyone who missed it”, says one of the Course leaders, Deirdre Hill. “Please visit the School Calendar for the timetable and to book your place.”