Baby Group

From bumps to walking

We welcome expectant mothers, carers/parents and their babies, offering a relaxing, nurturing and creative environment, where we craft, share experiences and food, and sing together.


In a quiet and homely environment we follow a gentle rhythm, where we start with a simple craft or other seasonal activity, share a wholesome home-made snack, and finish with time singing together or saying nursery rhymes. These activities, which involve both adults and babies, help to promote the bond between them.


Many babies move on to our Toddler Groups once they have reached walking age. These sessions run in the same venue to the Baby Group, so parents/carers and child can continue their journey and develop further in familiar surroundings.






The group meets during term time on:  

Fridays at  9.30am – 11.30pm and noon – 2pm  BOOK

Cost: £10.00 per session. A complimentary taster session is available to new families.

Baby Group


 Toddlers Group  


Kindergartens One (2-year-olds): Acorn & Appleseed 


  Kindergartens Two (3 – 4.5 Year Olds): Balckbird & Greenfinch


Kindergarten Three (4.5 – 6 year Olds) Treetops