Class 4 Animal Projects
1 - 31 May 2022

As part of Class 4’s four-week ‘The Human Being and the Animals Main Lesson each pupil undertakes an animal project, making a 3D model of an animal of their choosing, accompanied by a written report collating their research and delivering a talk to their class of peers. It is important the projects include oral, artistic and written elements.
Children from various other Classes and parents are invited to see the exhibition of Animal Projects. The 9- and 10 year old pupils usually have their desks in a circle with their projects on top to enable the visitors to walk around and ask questions.
Class 4 Projects 2022 – May exhibition dates tbc
In 2021, the Class 4 Projects Exhibition during the pandemic was visited by Class 3 & 5 only. An online exhibition was hosted to share the projects with a wider audience: