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Steiner Waldorf Reading Group

Parents and teachers of the School are invited to a fortnightly reading group, studying lectures by Rudolf Steiner on “The Roots of Education.”


It starts with Lecture 4 on Wednesday 21st February 2024, 6.30pm – 8pm (90 mins) using Zoom, and will continue fortnightly.


The aim is to engage with the ideas underlying Steiner Waldorf education through an exploration of Steiner’s insights and their application. We will jointly read the text and then discuss, comment, and question with the aim to further our understanding.


The sessions are facilitated by Dr Iddo Oberski, who is an ex-parent of the school. He completed the Edinburgh Steiner Teacher Education Programme and is a retired senior university lecturer who has published research on Steiner education. The sessions are free but donations to the School’s Growing Spaces Project are welcome.


There are 25 places. To join, please register here. You are welcome to join any time.


Please contact Iddo (ioberski@gmail.com) to find out which lecture is being read.


Lecture 1 – 5 can be read here.


A PTA initiative.